Trust a Reliable Commercial Plumber to Handle Your Leak Detection and Repair
Your commercial building is a major business asset. Leaky fixtures and pipes can severely depreciate the value of that investment if not handled quickly and competently. Particularly if you suspect a gas leak, this is not a job to trust to a one-man shop who mainly services residential plumbing customers. Maeser has experienced plumbers in Louisville, Southern Indiana, and Surrounding Areas who have extensive experience in commercial plumbing repair. Our staff of friendly, licensed plumbing technicians will handle your leak with minimal disruption to your regular business activity.
Commercial Leak Detection Services
Commercial building owners can lose hundreds or thousands of dollars from even small water leaks. If your utility bills have mysteriously increased, it could be a leak. Aside from the obvious cost of increased water bills, leaky pipes, sinks, and faucets can cost you in other ways. Slow damage to drywall, ceilings, cabinetry, and floors can occur, depreciating the value of your commercial real estate investment. Gas leaks in a commercial building have even more potential for damage than in a residential home and need to be identified, located, and repaired immediately. If you suspect a gas leak, we have trained, experienced plumbers with specialized location equipment who can help you find it and repair it quickly, saving you money, trouble, and potentially catastrophic damage.
Commercial Water Leak Repair
Surgically-precise pipe inspection for your commercial building project. Maeser has the equipment and training to inspect your commercial building’s pipes with the same kind of flexible, fiber-optic cameras that surgeons use. This rugged, lighted camera allows us to see any damage or obstructions that could be causing problems, or verify that water lines are clean after a commercial plumbing service.
Need proof of the condition of the pipes in your commercial building? We can save the video inspection to be reviewed later.
Natural Gas Leaks/Repairs/Replacement
As a commercial or industrial building owner, the gas service lines that run from the meter into the building are your responsibility. If problems exist with those gas lines, the building owner is fully liable. If someone suspects a gas leak in your building, poor installation, age, and pressure, or inadequately durable pipe could be to blame.